Twyford Post Office and Stores, with the Bean Below cafe.
Business and Employment
Twyford is home to businesses large and small, for example:
The Bugle , The Phoenix
Multi –Turn
Travel Agent (Roger Walker Travel)
The Dove Clinic
The farms
The shop, Post Office and Bean Below
Twyford St Mary’s Primary School and Twyford Prep School
Southern Planning Practice
Twyford Surgery
Hockley Golf Club
Morestead Racing Stables
Humphreys Mill and the Northfields complex (Aquila, Stone Vine, Jude’s, HCC etc)
In addition, there are a large number of self-employed working from home.
Some of these businesses are of direct benefit to the village, like the Surgery and the shop and the Pubs and need to be in the village.
Some are tied to Twyford because they are land based like the Golf Club and the farms and the stables.
Others could carry on business anywhere but have established themselves in and around the village in new and old buildings.
Unemployment in the village is comparatively low.
Twyford has many more jobs and businesses than other villages in the South Downs National Park or Hampshire.
But just how many jobs are there? This is one of the facts we are finding it hard to pin down. We think it is between 500 and 700, including both full and part time jobs and much casual work. There is a wide range of this work in skill and type and pay level.
Where do Twyford residents work?
About 75 % of the working population (i.e. About 580 people) work outside the village.
Only 170, or so, live and work in the village. 106 of these were recorded as working mainly from home.
How many Twyford residents work?
The 2011 census gives this figure as 758 which includes both full and part time.
What is likely to change in the next 15 years?
The working population will increase slightly but there are many more jobs in the pipeline.
Humphrey Developments has planning permissions which will increase employment in the village by up to 200 and has plans for more. From which geographical areas will this additional work force come?
What can the neighbourhood plan do for employment and for businesses?
The TNP cannot control the numbers of people working in existing schools, pubs, firms etc.
It could allocate more land for business units but should it do this? Where and for whose benefit and what would be the impact on the village.
Should the plan favour businesses which either provide local services or are land based and restrict other types of business?
Should the plan allow or encourage the expansion of all existing firms?
There is no specific requirement for Twyford to increase employment or to allocate land for business.
Pharmacy at Twyford Surgery
Travel agents at The Old Forge
Bugle Inn restaurant and B&B accommodation
Humphrey Farms industrial estate in Northfields.*
Hockley Golf Club